Celebrating 100 Facebook likes! Plus your upcoming articles

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

A weekend of excitement

Last week, I hit 100 likes on the blog’s Facebook page. I’m sure it doesn’t seem like much, but God is using this ministry to encourage those 100 people, and so many more, to keep moving onward in their faith toward maturity in Christ. I’m so thankful and humbled that God lets me play a small part in His people’s spiritual walk, even if I never get the privilege to meet those people in person.

As though that weren’t humbling enough, my own church just voted to support this ministry in 2020. Having the confidence and support of my church’s leadership means a lot to me, especially since many of them have played a part in my growth over the last 6 years. Getting to serve my local church through this ministry has been such a blessing and encouragement for me.

God is using Onward in the Faith both locally and around the country. I’m so excited to see what He has in store in 2020!

Here’s what’s coming this week

Some of you know that I spend a few hours on each article I write. All of you know that my articles aren’t quick reads because I want to explain why I’m saying something.

This week is featuring a 3-part series on understanding Jehovah’s Witnesses so we can more lovingly give them the gospel. At this point I’ve spent over 10 hours reading the Jehovah’s Witness official materials and New World Translation, reading stories of those who have left the religion, and watching/reading material by experts who speak against it. Part 1 took me about 4 hours to write, and Part 2 is threatening to take even longer.

All that to say that this week is going to be a heavy week for my readers, but we’re talking about giving the gospel to people who are still under the wrath of God, yet are so convinced that they have the truth. I’m taking it very seriously, and I hope the content I release will be useful in not only teaching you how this religion twists the truth, but more importantly gives you confidence in sharing the gospel with them.

Also, Christmas music.

  • What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Part 1: Answering the 5 Big Questions
  • What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Part 2: Important Things to Know
  • What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Part 3: Sharing the Gospel
  • My Favorite Lines from Christmas Songs

From the Archives

The One Minute Apologist (YouTube)

This remains one of my favorite YouTube channels. He has a recent series where he interviews David Wood, a psychopath who was convicted of murder and now serves Christ. I’m still working through some of the things they discussed about guilt!

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