The One Minute Apologist (YouTube)

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes

There are thousands of topics we could discuss regarding the Bible, politics, ethics, and a general Christian worldview. If God allows, we’ll do just that on this blog! But sometimes we all want a quick rundown of a topic. Rather than needing enough content to make us experts on a topic, it’s sometimes preferable to hear the “elevator pitch” for big Bible topics like how God could kill people in the Old Testament, or perhaps something a bit more day-to-day such as why we can trust the Bible. For those who want a quick bite of solid theology from time to time, I can recommend no one more than the One Minute Apologist!

Bobby Conway, the One Minute Apologist, explaining an aspect of the Christian faith.
Bobby Conway, the One Minute Apologist (photo courtesy of the One Minute Apologist)

The One Minute… what?

Christian apologetics boils down to  “Why do we believe what we believe?” It seeks to explain and defend the evidence for every aspect of our faith.

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 1 Peter 3:15)

It’s a heavy topic, and there’s no lack of scholarly writing on the subject. But we don’t always want to spend 10+ hours reading a book to understand the difference between Allah and God or brush up on purgatory. That’s where the One Minute Apologist shines for believers.

As the name implies, Bobby Conway (or a guest) spends a minute unpacking complicated beliefs. He doesn’t just explain the what, but gives reasons why we hold the belief. Yet despite the brevity of his content, there’s no lack of depth. Even difficult topics (like understanding various secular philosophies) are masterfully broken down so that any viewer can benefit.

The promise of truth delivered

The channel’s tag line is “Credible answers to curious questions.” This is where the channel is most impressive – the answers aren’t cliche, shallow, or pandering to the audience. There’s no “echo chamber” where he says things that people already agree with, removing any need to support his argument.

Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

As Christians, we need to know why we believe what we believe. A world that hates God has plenty of ideas for why God doesn’t exist, the Bible isn’t reliable, holy living is a waste of time, or why our ultimate aim in life is our own happiness. Without a foundation for our own beliefs, we’re easily swept away by whatever teaching appeals most to our sin nature (Ephesians 4:14).

The answers provided in the nearly 1,000 videos hold up to the channel’s premise. The time constraints prevent the answers from citing a mountain of sources or expounding on a Bible passage, but they’re certainly credible and always informative. It’s a wonderful starting point for a Christian who has questions without knowing where to start.

The beginning, not the end

Do note that the channel isn’t meant to be the final authority on a topic. It gives a position and a great summary of why it lines up with the Bible, but a one minute clip isn’t enough to make us fluent on a topic. A video can make us conversational, but not authoritative.

That’s why I appreciate that his videos are actually 2-3 minutes long. At the end of a video, or in the video’s description, Mr. Conway regularly includes a way to learn more about a topic. His videos are a great launching point with a thoughtful suggestion on how a Christian can go from hearing a brief summary to knowing that topic intimately.

A worthwhile look for all Christians

It’s easy to throw on a video, and without realizing it there are suddenly 15 videos in your browsing history! The content is easy to digest with top-notch sound and video editing. Bobby Conway and his guests speak with authority on each topic, yet do so with kindness and humility. In fact, many of his guests are, in fact, experts on their topic!

There are topics most viewers would never dream of investigating on their own. Yet when a video only asks for a minute or two of our time, what’s the worst that could happen? Suddenly we know things about hamartology, irreducible complexity, or how comedy and apologetics can go together.

Go check out the One Minute Apologist on YouTube or his website. The biggest risk is wasting a few minutes of your time, but the payoff is almost certainly a deeper love for God and a firmer foundation for your faith!