1 Corinthians 14: Church & Our Consumer Mentality (live video teaching)

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

(This article also includes a podcast discussion. Click the play button below, or subscribe and listen on your Apple or Google podcast app.)

This week I had the opportunity to teach at a program called Gospel Centered Recovery at Saylorville Church. It exists to help those struggling with addictions by showing them the transforming power of Christ in their lives.

I was given 1 Corinthians 14, so I chose the section where Paul talks about tongues. I know the passage is popular for debate about spiritual gifts, and I certainly address what biblical tongues are, but I wanted to focus on something more important going on in this passage that often gets lost in our fascination with the supernatural. So here is a 35-minute teaching where I break down how we can easily have a consumer mentality when we think about the church and the people inside it, and what God’s word shows us about a better way of thinking.

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1 thought on “1 Corinthians 14: Church & Our Consumer Mentality (live video teaching)”

  1. I was glad to be there in person. Your teaching about tongues was so very clear. I also appreciated your points about the consumer mentality.

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