Announcing “Search By Topic” and other website changes!

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

Change is good. Change that makes something incredibly more valuable is fantastic. Onward in the Faith is undergoing some important changes that, I hope, will make this ministry more valuable to Christians wanting to grow in faith and spiritual maturity.

Last week I spent roughly 30 hours implementing some big changes that are now live on the website, along with a few smaller ones that are also live or still ongoing.

Of note, the biggest update is the new Search By Topic button at the top of every page. Rather than relying on my website’s barely-functional search feature, you can now find all my articles under their relevant topics. So if you’re curious to see what I’ve written about world religions or mental health, it’s all right there in a convenient location. This is still under construction, but I’ve been so excited about how this will help people find what they’re looking for that I released it as soon as I could.

Another big change is how my home page works. I originally had a static page with information about what I do, but in the end that just required people to do an extra click to get to the stuff they wanted. Now my home page will simply display my Newest Content (which has also replaced my button that lets you search by broad categories).

There are some smaller things that have been implemented as well, such as adding podcast links inside the articles related to them. There have been some minor website redesigns, like adjusting some sizes and rearranging my menus. I also have a to-do list that’s at least another 40 hours’ worth of work.

In the end, however, this is all worth it. I want God to use me and this ministry to encourage Christians to think biblically about every area of life so they can keep growing. All the changes I’m making are aimed at creating a better, easier-to-use resource for all of you. Be praying for me this week as I keep chugging along while juggling other responsibilities. If you’d like to donate to help keep this work going, hit the Donate link at the top of the page (or in the menu button if you’re on mobile).

Thank you all for your patience and endurance over the last 2+ years as I kept trying to figure out web design!