This week at Onward in the Faith

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

Thankful for our freedoms

Today is Veteran’s Day in America, a day we set aside to reflect and thank those who have served our country. Whatever our political views, we can all be thankful for the men and women whose lives have guaranteed our ability to worship Christ without fear of life-threatening persecution. Although we will serve Him no matter what, we are grateful that we can serve Him in peace and safety. I know I take for granted how easily I can hit the “publish” button on these articles without wondering if my door will be kicked down a few hours later.

Here’s what’s coming this week

  • Biblical Faith vs Modern Faith (Part 2): How Do We Gain Faith?
  • Is Christ Still Saving You?
  • Signs We’re Accidentally Thinking Like a Cult
  • What Are the Mysteries of God?

From the Archives

When You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Gift

God has given me a lot of… interesting… stories over the years. It’s always been my hope that my past can help others in their walk with Christ, which is why I’m not too reserved in sharing such stories. This one involves me freaking out and asking a friend to meet with me at the crack of dawn because I didn’t know my spiritual gift. Although the conversation didn’t end how I wanted it to, it definitely ended with me having a deeper understanding of Christ and His church.

Of course, I think this ministry is evidence that God eventually showed me my spiritual gift, but it certainly wasn’t an immediate thing!

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