Support this blog and choose future content

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

October was my first month of receiving Patreon support. If you’d like to support this ministry for the month of November, visit this link and sign up by October 31st. Not only do you help this ministry grow, but you can select articles you’d like to read about!

This month my generous Patrons not only helped pay the costs of this ministry, but I was also able to advertise across Facebook. Some frustrating lessons were definitely learned, but I’m excited about next month’s advertising campaign. Reaching people through advertising means that even more people can be challenged and encouraged every week.

And of course, one of the most exciting things is that I wrote articles that were hand-picked by my Patrons. In case you missed them, the first three were hand-picked by individual supporters, and the last one was voted on by everyone.

Honestly, I may have never written about what’s allowed in the bedroom. However, that’s what makes Patreon so great! I get to write about things that are on people’s minds. And I’m glad I got to write about this topic because so many readers were encouraged and challenged by it!

Each article selected by my Patrons was commented on or shared by others, meaning that those articles were meaningful and needed. They were able to help at least one person move onward in their faith toward maturity in Christ. And isn’t that what this ministry is about?

If you’d like to pick your own topic for a future article, or just show your love and support for this ministry, please consider becoming a Patron today. The deadline for pledging support next month is October 31st, so take a few minutes right now and help Onward in the Faith encourage even more people in their walk with Jesus Christ!