Soularium (app recommendation)

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes

50 image. 5 questions. 1 meaningful discussion. Soularium (iOS, Android) is an app that allows groups to use images to promote discussion about how we view ourselves, God, and our life with Him. It’s simple to use, yet from that simplicity, we can get to know one another on a deeper, more intimate level.

How does Soularium work?

Soularium exists as an app or a series of physical cards. The primary goal is for everyone to read a series of 5 questions, picking 1-3 pictures that best answer each question. From there, everyone gets to share what images they chose, and more importantly explain why those images so accurately describe their spiritual life.

Simple brilliance

The best part about Soularium is that it creates conversations we may not have otherwise. When people ask things like “How’s your walk with God? How’s life? How can I pray for you?”, we are given the option of giving a dismissive answer. We may not lie outright, but we certainly don’t dig deep and tell people the full measure of how we’re currently experiencing our life with God.

Soularium breaks down that conversation barrier by creating a limited choice. Rather than having to “Um, er, well…” an answer, we simply pick a few images that really stand out to us. In those 50 images, there’s 1 that will make us pause and say “Yeah, this one perfectly reminds me of how I view God.”

From there, everyone discusses the most important thing: why did you pick that image?

The questions are far from difficult, yet they all hit very critical areas.

  • Which 3 images describe your life right now?
  • Which 3 do you wish were part of your life right now?
  • Which image describes how you see God?
  • Which one describes what you’ve experienced spiritually?
  • Which one do you wish was true of your spiritual journey?

These 5 basic questions are capable of generating an incredible amount of spiritual discussion. People can allow themselves to be vulnerable in a way they may never be otherwise. Others are able to come alongside someone in their weakness or praise God for ways He’s worked in that person’s life.

Recommended for groups and families

I don’t know how I found Soularium, but it seemed like a clever way to generate discussion with my family. That night at the dinner table I had everyone download the app and we went through it together.

I expected to hear some interesting thoughts from my kids, perhaps even share a laugh at why we chose certain images. What I never expected was to see how deeply my children think, how they view their life, and the mature thoughts they have about God. Through simple discussions, everyone at the dinner table saw parts of our family that none of us knew existed. It was a moving experience, and as a husband and father I was given deep insight into my family’s strengths, needs, and overall questions about the world.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15)

I highly recommend this app for any group of people that share Christ as their savior, especially for things like youth groups of community/small groups. Creating meaningful conversation is difficult to do, and Soularium is an excellent tool to break down walls and encourage people to share things they may never say otherwise.
You can download the Soularium app on iOS and Android devices. If you want the physical cards, you can find them through our affiliate link here. More resources from Cru, the makers of Soularium, are available on their website.