Seeds Family Worship (music recommendation)

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes

Parents, let’s be honest for a moment. Our kids have some catchy music available to them, but nothing is worse than finding ourselves humming “The Wheels on the Bus” around other adults. I want to introduce you to some kids’ music that they can sing throughout the day, and it will actually help them and you memorize Scripture. Say hello to Seeds Family Worship!

The Bible set to music

The book of Psalms is filled with poetry that would have been accompanied by instruments. King David fills pages with praises for God and his laments over sin. He set an example for us by not just speaking about God, but singing about Him.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, all with grace in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)

Throughout history, God’s word has been the foundation of music we sing. Many segments of Christianity even refuse to sing anything but Bible verses set to music.

Music has a fascinating way of embedding itself in our minds more than simple memorization. It’s truly a wonderful thing to get Ephesians 2:8 stuck in your head instead of the Old McDonald!

Great for any age

When we first discovered Seeds Family Worship, we enjoyed listening to their music in the car. At the time they only had 2 albums, but our 4 and 6 year old were able to pick up most of the lyrics and, without realizing it, found themselves quoting the Bible.

Then we discovered they had videos with hand motions, and it became their favorite thing for quite awhile. The hand movements are simple enough for kids to mimic, but it gives kids a physical activity that goes along with what they’re singing.

Those little kids are now turning 9 and 11 while their sisters are almost 1 and 3. The songs themselves are still excellent for the older ones. Soon we’ll be dusting off our DVDs and teaching our toddler the motions to some excellent Bible verses set to music!

Lasting value

My favorite thing about Seeds Family Worship is that it’s aimed at kids but makes a positive impact on all of us. We can listen to Seeds Family Worship alongside typical songs like “In Christ Alone” without compromising Biblical truth or depth. To listen is to set God’s word in our minds.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Kids can’t outgrow the lyrics and anyone who listens will eventually find themselves humming the Bible. Not a senseless pop song or even a shallow toe-tapper we heard on Christian radio, but the word of God that He gave us to show who He is. If there’s one thing to have stuck in our head, can we think of anything better than the Bible?

If you have kids in your life, I urge you to check this out. You can find their music on YouTube, with many more resources beyond music on their website.

If you want to support them by buying an album you can find everything on their store page, through our affiliate link, or on whatever digital music service you use!

In my heart I store up your words,
so I might not sin against you.
You deserve praise, O Lord!
Teach me your statutes! (Psalm 119:11-12)

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