Who Created God? The Cosmological Argument (Simplifying the Arguments for God’s Existence #1)

Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesWhen we claim that God has created everything in existence, the popular question is “Well, who created God?” While it’s meant to catch us in a bind, it actually points to how unique and incredible God is. And when people ask that question, they may be accidentally proving to themselves why God must exist. Everything […]

Who Created God? The Cosmological Argument (Simplifying the Arguments for God’s Existence #1) Read More »

Learning to Defend God’s Existence (why it matters, and a new series that will help)

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesOver the centuries, Christians have come up with a number of reasons that we can be confident in the existence of God. While this may bother some, because it feels more spiritual to accept God’s existence on faith alone, history has shown that God has brought many people to the cross by appealing to their

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Understanding Conspiracy Theories Through a Biblical Worldview

Approximate Reading Time: 12 minutes(This article also includes a podcast discussion. Click the play button below, or subscribe and listen on your Apple or Google podcast app.) My previous article dug into why the Qanon conspiracy theories, more than any other theory, seem to sweep Christians into its bad Bible interpretation and extreme beliefs. However, the topic of conspiracy

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