Interpreting Our Problems Biblically (Christians & Psychology #5)

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

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When we start with a biblical worldview of who we are, we come to radically different interpretations of why we experience certain thoughts, behaviors, or desires. This episode takes the foundation we laid in Episode 93 to help us better understand the problems that psychologists insist are purely natural.

This will be a difficult episode for some people to hear. Be sure not to make hasty judgments on one way or another. Instead, consider everything, digest it slowly, surrender to God the things you want to be true, and from there evaluate what kind of worldview lines up better with your understanding of mental health. If you realize you need to adopt a more biblical understanding, let this episode be a resource that you can return to as you allow God to align your thinking with what is true.

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You can find this episode’s original article here.

Scripture used: James 1:14-15

Music by LesFM from Pixabay.

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Produced By White Hot

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