I’m taking a week off… and plan to come back with a podcast!

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

This week’s schedule is going to be really weird, so I’m just taking a week off of writing and doing work behind the scenes. But that’s not all I’ll be working on!

I’ve spent a few weeks in prayer about adding an audio component to Onward in the Faith. I know each article requires 10-15 minutes to read, and in our culture that’s not always easy. In the last few days, I’ve had several instances where people have asked if I’ve ever considered releasing an audio version of my blog so people can stay caught up during their work commute.

Why yes… yes I have!

So this week, I’ll be looking into hosting options for a podcast and doing some dry runs on recording a previous article. The current plan is to release 1 audio article each week, and hopefully I can do more as I gain enough monthly support to replace my other income. At a certain point, I’d love to go back and record audio for almost everything I’ve written.

If you’ve been blessed by Onward in the Faith and would like to see an audio version come to life, click the orange button below and become a monthly supporter. More support means I can spend more time serving Christ by providing a resource for Christians who want to engage life through a biblical worldview.