Check Out My Article in Modern Reformation Magazine!

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many of you found this ministry through the article “Why Churches Must Avoid Music From Bethel, Hillsong, And Elevation.” While I anticipated some excitement and controversy, I never expected God to make it one of my most popular pieces. Imagine my surprise when the editor of Modern Reformation magazine asked me to condense my 8,000+ word article into a more manageable 2,500 words for their upcoming issue focused on the New Apostolic Reformation.

You can read the adapted article online here, and I highly recommend exploring the other well-written and researched pieces in this important issue. If you prefer physical copies, you can order the issue titled “This Isn’t the Reformation You’re Looking For” from their website. (I don’t receive any commission for this; I just know some of you, like me, prefer physical magazines).

You might even recognize a familiar name on the cover!

Thank you to those who have encouraged me since I published my original article. God used many of you to lift me up at times where the negative (even hostile) reactions to the article brought great discouragement. I’m so honored to be part of this necessary discussion that exposes a group of wolves that far too many churches have invited to join the sheep. Continue praying that pastors will diligently protect their flock from false teacher, the enemies of Christ, who make really good music.