Changes to my release schedule, plus upcoming articles

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

It’s been quite the week in the U.S. Things are shutting down and people are practicing “social distancing” to help slow the spread of the disease. We’re all in this together, even if we are forced to live in isolation to protect others.

Stay strong, follower of Christ. Remember that God calls us to pursue wisdom while knowing that He is in control. So prepare to spend the next few months living with great wisdom without worldly fear.

My next few articles will take a bit of a lighter, more practical direction as we all have our minds occupied with other heavy matters. My podcast will still dig in deep, but I’d like my readers to get something a bit less brain-intensive (plus, it’s a fun opportunity to talk about things I personally enjoy!).

Finally, I’m changing my “From the Archives.” Rather than reposting an older article here, I’ll be updating and releasing an older article along with its podcast version. I hope this will get more eyes on older articles that are still just as relevant as they were a year ago.

Upcoming articles

  • The #1 Way to Love Others During an Outbreak
  • Do Christians REALLY Need Theology? (updated with podcast)
  • My Board Game Recommendations During Isolation
  • Christian Books to Read During Isolation