Ray Burns

I love Christ, my wife and four kids, the Oxford comma, and board games. Although saved at 18, it took 10 years for me to stop chasing idols and find true satisfaction in Christ. God's given me a passion for teaching and writing, and with that a deep burden to be my creator's instrument in giving His people a profound, unshakable relationship with their savior.

Jesus, Salvation, and the Gospel (Part 1)

Jesus, Salvation, and the Gospel (Part 1)

Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutesChristianity sure seems popular for such a boring religion. Yet what truly draws people in isn’t the squeaky-clean music, abstaining from drunkenness, or waking up early to read a book which, let’s face it, we don’t always understand. It’s a cross, the God-man who died on it, and the magnificent implications that has for our […]

Jesus, Salvation, and the Gospel (Part 1) Read More »

Who Is God?

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes(This article also includes a 2-part podcast discussion. Click the play buttons below, or subscribe and listen on your Apple or Google podcast app.) After all this time, you’d think we’d have a pretty good idea of who God is. He’s revealed Himself throughout history and left us an entire book revealing His character. Yet

Who Is God? Read More »

What is the Bible?

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes(This article also includes a podcast discussion. Click the play button below, or subscribe and listen on your Apple or Google podcast app.) The world is filled with opinions about what the Bible actually is. Some say it’s just an ancient collection of writing that people take too seriously. Others insist it’s a complete fabrication,

What is the Bible? Read More »