Answering questions and criticisms from my prophecy article (podcast version)

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many people have asked some great questions regarding prophecy. Today I try to briefly answer some of the most common questions and criticisms I’ve received in the last week. Lord willing, I won’t discuss Dana Coverstone’s past or future dreams any more after this, nor do I plan to discuss prophecy any time soon, so I hope this can help to round out everything from my original article.

If you don’t want to listen to the entire thing, check the show notes to see where each question is.

  • Why did I originally write the article? 1:57
  • Shouldn’t we just pray for truth? What about my experience/feeling about prophecy? 6:39
  • Am I just being judgmental? 11:46
  • Am I confusing the difference between OT and NT prophecy? Is prophecy wrong if it doesn’t contradict the Bible? 18:16
  • Why not take a “wait and see” approach? 24:16
  • Am I confusing dreams and prophecy? 26:41
  • What about Acts 2:17? 28:51
  • Aren’t we supposed to expect supernatural gifts? 36:54
  • Am I just a right-wing Democrat? 45:01
  • Am I telling people not to be prepared? 47:06
  • Personal thoughts on the article and its reception 56:54
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  1. Pingback: Answering questions and criticisms from my prophecy article (Part 2) – Onward in the Faith

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