3 Easter Articles As You Prepare for Sunday

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

Everything about who we are as Christians is wrapped up in the truth that Christ took the punishment of our sins, was buried, and resurrected to show that He had conquered sin, Satan, and death. As you prepare your heart and mind for remembering the greatness of our Savior, here are some articles to help you.

It Is Finished! – Just like turkey isn’t only for Thanksgiving, this article goes so far beyond Easter itself. I still get tingles when I read this article because it’s so exciting to see everything that Christ accomplished on the cross.

Why We Believe Jesus Christ Really Existed – It’d be silly to celebrate the resurrection of a fairy tale character. There are solid reasons we believe Christ existed outside of “because the Bible says so.” Although the Bible is sufficient, it can be comforting to know that non-Christian history itself agrees.

Is Easter a Pagan Holiday? – Without fail, some Christians will be criticizing Easter for its roots in pagan traditions. This is a quick look at its origins, why it’s accused of having pagan roots, and why Christians still celebrate it.